kings dental
FAQ’s for Dental Care for Older People

FAQ’s for Dental Care for Older People

Am I certain to lose my teeth? No. With the right home care and help from your dental team, it is possible to keep your teeth for life. Gum disease and tooth decay can be prevented whatever your age. What problems may older people have? Your gums may recede (shrink back) as you get older, and your teeth may

FAQ’s on Caring for Teenager’s Gums & Teeth

FAQ’s on Caring for Teenager’s Gums & Teeth

Kingshurst Dental Surgery is committed in helping teenagers developing a healthy smile which will last them their whole life.  Why is a healthy smile important? An attractive and healthy smile is important when meeting people and making friends. And it can boost your confidence and help you feel good about yourself. If you don’t look

Dental Checkup – Why should you attend?

Dental Checkup – Why should you attend?

You may assume you should have a dental check-up every 6 months, but some people may not need to go so often and others may need more frequent checks. Your dentist should suggest when you should have your next check-up based on how good your oral health is. It is important to attend for you dental check-ups based on what

Key Reasons to Replace your Missing Teeth

Key Reasons to Replace your Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can be a common problem for adults whether for congenital reasons, because of trauma or through untreated decay leading to tooth loss. However, the fact that something may be relatively common does not mean it is an issue that can be ignored. With dental health – and health in general – there is

Dental Sensitivity

Dental Sensitivity

Teeth and Gum Sensitivity It can be difficult to distinguish between sensitive teeth and sensitive gums but it’s important to learn what is causing the discomfort and then how to treat it. Both can cause pain and discomfort but require different treatments. Here we have summarised the differences between gum and tooth sensitivity, their causes,

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