
The Magic of a Natural Smile

Did you know that one in four of us in the UK are unhappy with our smile?
One of the first things people notice about you is your smile and at Kingshurst Dental Surgery, we understand how important it is to smile with confidence and the affect that missing or discoloured teeth can have.
If you have a missing tooth or a tooth that it is not possible to fill using a normal filling, we can help using either a dental crown or bridge.

Why Choose Us To Look After Your Smile

All Areas Of Dentistry

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Patient Focussed Service

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Flexible Appointments

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0% Finance Options

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Why Choose Us To Look After Your Smile

All areas of Dentistry

From Routine Check-ups to Cosmetic Procedures to Oral Cancer Screening we offer all aspects of dentistry under one roof.

Patient Focussed Dental Care

We understand that no one size fits all and therefore provide completely bespoke care suited to your needs. Our team will do everything you make sure you are in a relaxed, comfortable, and safe environment.

Flexible Appointment

We pride ourselves in going the extra mile in trying to accommodate all patients with our flexible opening hours and emergency access appointments.

0% Finance Options

Our dental membership plans and 0% finance allows you spread the cost of dental treatments making payments more affordable.


It is not always possible to repair damaged teeth using a normal filling. We can however make a porcelain or metal cover, called a crown that sits over the remaining healthy part of your tooth.
A crown is strong and will look and feel exactly like your natural teeth, we will take time to match the colour and shape to your own teeth.
A crown is a good solution if you have some discoloured fillings and would like to improve their appearance of your smile. Also, if you have had root canal treatment you will need a crown to protect or cap the restored tooth, allowing you to eat and bite down on it as if it was a real tooth.


Dental bridges can be used to replace one or more missing teeth by using one or both of the neighbouring teeth as anchors.
Bridges are cemented to the anchor teeth and are fixed in place so that you can smile, laugh and eat with confidence. Your bridge will perform much like your natural teeth.
If you require a more extensive restoration than a crown or have more than one tooth that needs to be repaired, a good solution is a bridge. Bridges are usually made of a precious metal base which gives them a solid structure and makes them hard-wearing. If you need a bridge in your smile line, porcelain is usually added to the base to make it look more like real teeth. A bridge helps to strengthen the prepared teeth and makes chewing and eating easier because they are fixed and can’t come out.
Some bridges can also be fixed to your jaw with dental implants, if you have several teeth next to each other that are missing.
Once you have a bridge fitted, you will have to take extra care of your daily hygiene regime to ensure it stays plaque free and that you can prevent bad breath.

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    opening Hours

    Monday | 09.00am – 3.00pm
    Tuesday | 09.00am – 3.00pm
    Wednesday | 09.00am – 3.00pm
    Thursday | 09.00am – 3.00pm
    Friday | 09.00am – 3.00pm
    Saturday & Sunday – By Appointment only

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